5 Ways to Stay Mentally Sharp With Age

Staying sharp with age is high on the list of many. Nobody wants to feel a noticeable mental decline or like they aren’t as smart as they once were. Being proactive about this aspect of health is essential to maintaining a healthy brain. Here are 5 ways to sharpen your mind as you age: 


Getting a full night of sleep every night is like taking a sip from the fountain of youth. Sleep is a sure way to improve memory and cognitive function overall. With that being said, make sure to do everything in your power to ensure that you are getting to sleep at a reasonable hour. This may mean putting the phone down an hour before bed and meditating. It is crucial to mental longevity that the sleep schedule is on par with health standards.

Eating the Right Foods 

Usually, we don’t connect the food we eat to how our brain functions, which should change. The food you eat can make you think clearer and maintain better mental function with age. Our brain loves fatty foods like healthy oils, avocados, and coconut milk. Anything rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids is going to be good for your mind with age.

Pick up a Hobby that is Right-Brained and Stay Active 

Artistic activity helps mental concentration, so take a painting class or join a book club. Activities where you use your brain keep you sharp and thinking on your feet. This also improves mood and can make the transition into older ages easier. For even more of a mental boost, do these activities with others. Being social keeps you healthy and improves multi-tasking skills.

Exercise is also a fantastic hobby to stay awake and mentally aware. Exercise also reduces endorphins, which helps with mood and mental clarity. Getting in a steady exercise routine is recommended throughout life and especially as you get older.

Age doesn’t have to be scary, take these tips, and maintain the best cognitive level that you can for the rest of your life.